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- 10 *=49152
- 11 !
- 12 ! disable interupts,set up
- 13 ! interupt vector,enable raster
- 14 ! interupt,set up vic banks,
- 15 ! disable hardware timer a,
- 16 ! re-enable interupts.
- 17 !
- 20 setint sei
- 30 lda #<intr
- 40 sta 788
- 50 lda #>intr
- 60 sta 789
- 70 lda 53274
- 80 ora #1
- 90 sta 53274
- 100 lda 53265
- 110 and #127
- 120 sta 53265
- 130 lda #252
- 140 sta 53266
- 150 lda 56578
- 160 ora #3
- 170 sta 56578
- 180 lda 56576
- 190 and #252
- 200 ora #2
- 210 sta 56576
- 220 lda 56334
- 230 and #254
- 240 sta 56334
- 250 cli
- 251 !
- 252 ! set screen colours,
- 253 ! set start values to be
- 254 ! stored in map & map+1
- 255 ! (see window)
- 256 !
- 260 lda #0
- 270 sta 53280
- 280 sta 53281
- 290 lda #<32768
- 300 sta map
- 310 lda #>32768
- 320 sta map+1
- 997 !
- 998 rts
- 1000 !
- 1001 ! check to see if a scroll
- 1002 ! is taking place.if not jump
- 1003 ! to 'noscroll' otherwise
- 1004 ! check to see which of the 8
- 1005 ! possible directions we are
- 1006 ! scrolling in and process.
- 1007 !
- 1020 intr lda way
- 1030 beq noscroll
- 1040 cmp #1
- 1050 bne w1
- 1060 jsr ysub
- 1070 jmp noscroll
- 1080 w1 cmp #2
- 1090 bne w2
- 1100 jsr yadd
- 1110 jmp noscroll
- 1120 w2 cmp #3
- 1130 bne w3
- 1140 jsr xsub
- 1150 jmp noscroll
- 1160 w3 cmp #4
- 1170 bne w4
- 1179 jsr xadd
- 1180 jmp noscroll
- 1181 w4 cmp #5
- 1182 bne w5
- 1183 jsr xadd
- 1184 jsr ysub
- 1185 jmp noscroll
- 1186 w5 cmp #6
- 1187 bne w6
- 1188 jsr ysub
- 1189 jsr xsub
- 1190 jmp noscroll
- 1191 w6 cmp #7
- 1192 bne w7
- 1193 jsr yadd
- 1194 jsr xadd
- 1195 jmp noscroll
- 1196 w7 cmp #8
- 1197 bne noscroll
- 1198 jsr yadd
- 1199 jsr xsub
- 1200 !
- 1210 ! set up location of raster
- 1211 ! split and re-vector the
- 1212 ! interupt to process the
- 1213 ! status line (non moving
- 1214 ! screen) routine.
- 1215 !
- 1240 noscroll lda #<statline
- 1250 sta 788
- 1260 lda #>statline
- 1270 sta 789
- 1280 lda raster
- 1290 sta 53266
- 1300 jmp exint
- 1301 !
- 1302 ! set 40 column screen,
- 1303 ! clear scroll registers to
- 1304 ! ensure this section of the
- 1305 ! screen is still,re-vector
- 1306 ! the interupt to process the
- 1307 ! routine dealing with the
- 1308 ! scrolling section of the
- 1309 ! screen,jsr to 'control' routine
- 1310 !
- 1315 statline lda #8
- 1320 sta 53270
- 1330 lda #23
- 1340 sta 53265
- 1350 lda #54
- 1360 sta 53272
- 1370 lda #<gamearea
- 1380 sta 788
- 1390 lda #>gamearea
- 1400 sta 789
- 1405 lda #7
- 1406 sta 53280
- 1410 jsr control
- 1415 lda #0
- 1416 sta 53280
- 1420 lda #252
- 1430 sta 53266
- 1440 jmp exint
- 1441 !
- 1442 ! set 38 column,24 row screen
- 1443 ! print up screen from
- 1444 ! map & map+1,set values of
- 1445 ! scroll registers.
- 1446 !
- 1450 gamearea lda 53270
- 1455 and #0
- 1456 ora #16
- 1470 ora xscroll
- 1480 sta 53270
- 1490 lda 53265
- 1500 and #248
- 1510 ora yscroll
- 1520 sta 53265
- 1610 lda #36
- 1620 sta 53272
- 1625 lda #6
- 1626 sta 53280
- 1650 jsr window
- 1651 lda #0
- 1652 sta 53280
- 1654 jmp intr
- 1655 !
- 1656 ! signal that interupt has been
- 1657 ! processed,restore registers
- 1658 ! and return from interupt.
- 1659 !
- 1660 exint lda #1
- 1670 sta $d019
- 1690 pla
- 1700 tay
- 1710 pla
- 1720 tax
- 1730 pla
- 1740 rti
- 1741 !
- 1742 ! hardware scroll screen 1 pixel
- 1743 ! to the right.if screen has
- 1744 ! moved more than 1 char. then
- 1745 ! subtract 1 from 16 bit value in
- 1746 ! map & map+1.
- 1747 !
- 1750 xadd lda 53270
- 1760 ora #248
- 1770 clc
- 1780 adc xspeed
- 1790 and #7
- 1800 sta xscroll
- 1810 bcc exxadd
- 1820 sec
- 1830 lda map
- 1840 sbc #1
- 1850 sta map
- 1860 lda map+1
- 1870 sbc #0
- 1880 sta map+1
- 1960 exxadd rts
- 1961 !
- 1962 ! hardware scroll screen 1 pixel
- 1963 ! to the left.if screen has
- 1964 ! moved more than 1 char. then
- 1965 ! add 1 to 16 bit value
- 1966 ! in map & map+1.
- 1967 !
- 1970 xsub lda 53270
- 1980 and #7
- 1990 sec
- 2000 sbc xspeed
- 2010 and #7
- 2020 sta xscroll
- 2030 bcs exxsub
- 2040 clc
- 2050 lda map
- 2060 adc #1
- 2070 sta map
- 2080 lda map+1
- 2090 adc #0
- 2100 sta map+1
- 2180 exxsub rts
- 2181 !
- 2182 ! hardware scroll the screen
- 2183 ! down 1 pixel. if screen has
- 2184 ! moved more than 1 char then
- 2185 ! subtract number of screens
- 2186 ! horizontally in map multiplyed
- 2187 ! by 40 from 16 bit value in
- 2188 ! map & map+1.
- 2189 ! eg:-
- 2190 ! if there are 6 screen across
- 2191 ! in map then subtract 240.
- 2192 !
- 2199 yadd lda 53265
- 2200 ora #248
- 2210 clc
- 2220 adc yspeed
- 2230 and #7
- 2240 sta yscroll
- 2250 bcc exyadd
- 2260 sec
- 2270 lda map
- 2280 sbc #240
- 2290 sta map
- 2300 lda map+1
- 2310 sbc #0
- 2320 sta map+1
- 2400 exyadd rts
- 2401 !
- 2402 ! as above but scroll up 1 pixel
- 2403 ! and add same value if
- 2404 ! necessary.
- 2405 !
- 2410 ysub lda 53265
- 2420 and #7
- 2430 sec
- 2440 sbc yspeed
- 2450 and #7
- 2460 sta yscroll
- 2470 bcs exysub
- 2480 clc
- 2490 lda map
- 2500 adc #240
- 2510 sta map
- 2520 lda map+1
- 2530 adc #0
- 2540 sta map+1
- 2620 exysub rts
- 4000 !
- 4001 ! (see diagram 1 ):-
- 4002 ! print up 1000 bytes to screen,
- 4003 ! ( screen is at 17408),
- 4004 ! starting at memory location
- 4005 ! pointed at by values in
- 4006 ! map & map+1.
- 4007 !
- 4070 window lda #<18432
- 4080 sta 253
- 4090 lda #>18432
- 4100 sta 254
- 4120 lda map
- 4130 sta 251
- 4140 lda map+1
- 4150 sta 252
- 4160 ldx #18
- 4180 windloop1 ldy #0
- 4190 windloop2 lda (251),y
- 4200 sta (253),y
- 4210 iny
- 4215 cpy #40
- 4220 bne windloop2
- 4230 lda 251
- 4240 clc
- 4250 adc #240
- 4260 sta 251
- 4270 bcc windlp2
- 4290 inc 252
- 4300 windlp2 lda 253
- 4310 clc
- 4320 adc #40
- 4330 sta 253
- 4340 bcc excal
- 4360 inc 254
- 4370 excal dex
- 4376 bne windloop1
- 4390 rts
- 4400 !
- 4410 ! variables as follows :-
- 4411 !
- 4412 ! 1 - lo,hi address of screen
- 4413 ! (row 0,column 0) in overall map
- 4414 ! 2 - posistion of raster split
- 4415 ! 3 - speed of x scroll
- 4416 ! 4 - speed of y scroll
- 4417 ! 5 - value of x scroll register
- 4418 ! 6 - value of y scroll register
- 4419 ! 7 - joystick x value
- 4420 ! 8 - joystick y value
- 4421 ! 9 - direction of scroll (0-8)
- 4422 !
- 6000 map byt <32768,>32768
- 6030 raster byt 189
- 6060 xspeed byt 1
- 6070 yspeed byt 1
- 6080 xscroll byt 0
- 6090 yscroll byt 0
- 6100 dx byt 0
- 6110 dy byt 0
- 6160 way byt 0
- 6161 !
- 6162 ! the values in way indicate
- 6163 ! the follwing:-
- 6164 !
- 6165 ! 0 = no scrolling
- 6166 ! 1 = scroll up
- 6167 ! 2 = scroll down
- 6168 ! 3 = scroll left
- 6169 ! 4 = scroll right
- 6170 ! 5 = scroll up & right
- 6171 ! 6 = scroll up & left
- 6172 ! 7 = scroll down & right
- 6173 ! 8 = scroll down & left
- 6174 !
- 6179 !
- 6180 ! joystick reading routine.
- 6181 ! see page 345 of programmers
- 6182 ! reference guide for full
- 6183 ! explanation.
- 6184 !
- 7000 joyread lda 56320
- 7010 ldy #0
- 7020 ldx #0
- 7025 !
- 7030 lsr a
- 7040 bcs joy0
- 7050 dey
- 7060 joy0 lsr a
- 7070 bcs joy1
- 7080 iny
- 7090 joy1 lsr a
- 7100 bcs joy2
- 7110 dex
- 7120 joy2 lsr a
- 7130 bcs joy3
- 7140 inx
- 7150 joy3 lsr a
- 7160 stx dx
- 7170 sty dy
- 7180 rts
- 7190 !
- 7191 ! main control routine :-
- 7192 ! decide which direction to
- 7193 ! scroll.
- 7194 !
- 8000 control jsr joyread
- 8010 ldx dx
- 8020 ldy dy
- 8021 txa
- 8022 bne vertical
- 8023 tya
- 8024 bne vertical
- 8025 sta way
- 8026 rts
- 8030 vertical cpx #0
- 8040 bne horizontal
- 8050 upc cpy #255
- 8060 bne downc
- 8070 lda #2
- 8080 sta way
- 8090 rts
- 8100 downc cpy #1
- 8110 bne xvert
- 8120 lda #1
- 8130 sta way
- 8140 xvert rts
- 8150 horizontal cpy #0
- 8160 bne dia(NULL)nal
- 8170 leftc cpx #255
- 8180 bne rightc
- 8190 lda #4
- 8200 sta way
- 8210 rts
- 8220 rightc cpx #1
- 8230 bne outcon
- 8240 lda #3
- 8250 sta way
- 8260 outcon rts
- 8270 dia(NULL)nal cpy #255
- 8280 bne diagdown
- 8290 cpx #1
- 8300 bne uplft
- 8310 uprght lda #8
- 8320 sta way
- 8330 rts
- 8340 uplft cpx #255
- 8350 bne outcon
- 8360 lda #7
- 8370 sta way
- 8380 rts
- 8390 diagdown cpy #1
- 8400 bne xdiag
- 8410 cpx #1
- 8420 bne dwnlft
- 8440 dwnrght lda #6
- 8450 sta way
- 8460 rts
- 8470 dwnlft cpx #255
- 8480 bne xdiag
- 8490 lda #5
- 8500 sta way
- 8510 xdiag rts
- 8520 !
- 8530 end